Not only do we pay well, but we offer our people these awesome goodies...
Money for Nothin’
Five weeks paid time-off each year
We offer Roth 401(k)s with a 6% company match.
Employees under 50 years of age can contribute $23,500 per year, and get a 6% match on top of that.
50 to 59 years of age, or 64-plus? You can contribute $31,000 each year, and also get a 6% company match.
Ages 60 through 63 can contribute $34,750, and get a 6% company match.
We can also show you how to fund a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA at $7,000 per year, if under age 50, and $8,000 if 50-plus.
We know a lot about money.
It’s what we do.
Let’s Stay Healthy
Blue Cross Blue Shield group health insurance plan with a great provider network
It’s the same health insurance that Scott has for himself.
We pay for your health, dental and vision insurance.
Company-paid Health Savings Account (HSA)
Paid time-off to go to the doctor, dentist, optometrist etc.
Free breakfasts, lunches, coffee, tea and hot cocoa — all on-site
You Look Like You Workout.
Free onsite gym membership
Want To Lend a Hand?.
We support these charities financially and with paid time-off to volunteer:
Chicagoland Dog Rescue
Toys for Tots
Greater Chicago Food Depository
Chicago Police Memorial Foundation
Your Ride Looks Dirty.
Free onsite hand car washes monthly
Use The Force, Luke.
Mentorship is part of the deal.
We want to help you as a person, not just as an employee.
What Are You Wearing?
Nice, dark jeans on Mondays and Fridays with a collared shirt and nice, casual shoes
Tuesdays through Thursdays: Dress shoes, suit pants (or a dress) and collared shirt
How Do I Get There?
We’re off of I-90 at the Cumberland exit.
Free, covered parking on-site
Or we’re a short walk from the Cumberland CTA Blue Line stop.
Wow, You’re Smart.
We’ll pay for you to obtain your life insurance license, health insurance license and Series 65 securities registration.
We’ll even pay for your Certified Financial Planner® designation.
Want to get your CPA license? Let’s do it.
What’s for Dinner?
Annual steakhouse dinner one week before Thanksgiving every year
Paid-for Annual Trips
Ask Jim about his 11-day trip to Patagonia.
To schedule a time to discuss your financial future and the possible role of investments and insurance in your financial strategy, contact us at
or call us at 847.786.9872 today!
This employment position will require background checks given the independent financial advisor's association with AE Wealth Management, LLC. (AEWM), due to regulatory requirements. However, this position is not offered through or by AEWM. Instead, this opportunity is offered solely by the independent financial advisor solely in connection with their independent investment advisor practice. The independent financial advisor is not employed by, nor authorized to engage or employ any individual on behalf of, AEWM. All employment obligations are the sole obligation of the independent financial advisor.
Have Questions for Scott Tucker Solutions?
It can be difficult to make financial decisions without access to information. If you have questions or concerns about your current retirement strategy, feel free to contact us using the form below.